Brightmont Academy is a fully accredited private school serving students with a one-to-one instructional approach. Our mission is to provide customized one-to-one instruction to help as many students as possible reach their full academic potential and prepare for college and career.
Every day for 25 years, we have seen the positive results of this approach and we are proud to have helped more than 4,000 students find their paths to becoming more confident and successful learners.
At Brightmont Academy, 1st to 12th-grade students experience success. Our customized one-to-one instruction focuses on the unique academic needs and learning style of each student. As students realize learning gains and feel valued, their academic success and self-confidence grow.
One teacher, one student — all of the time
At the center of Brightmont Academy’s personalized learning approach is one-to-one instruction: one highly qualified teacher working with one student throughout every learning session. To foster continual progress, each teaching moment is optimized to accommodate a student’s needs:
Brightmont Academy is fully accredited, and credit can be transferred to other schools as needed. Several enrollment options are available, including full-time programs, courses for credit, tutoring, and skill-building programs.
At Brightmont Academy, all instruction is delivered by one teacher working with one student in a private learning room—with a class size of one. Instruction is tailored to each student’s level, building strong student-teacher relationships and allowing for immediate feedback and adjustment within each lesson.
Students may work with different subject-matter experts in each discipline, but teachers who start courses with students remain beside them, coaching and teaching, until the credits are completed. Brightmont instructors function as positive role models, mentors and coaches as well as teachers.
To complement the one-to-one instruction format, Brightmont Academy also employs a mastery-based learning approach. This allows students to move ahead or to receive additional instruction when needed so that they are always learning at their own pace and achieving mastery of the content. The powerful combination of one-to-one instruction using a mastery-based approach enables Brightmont Academy to address a wide range of learning styles and education needs.
Unlike traditional high schools, which use a time-based system, Brightmont Academy makes time a variable in the learning process, harnessing the power of fluid, mastery-based learning—also known as competency-based learning— to ensure that all students learn the content.
Time-based systems define the amount of time that students must attend school in order to earn credits, generally adhering to the “seat-time requirements” established by state regulations. Mastery-based learning, in contrast, adheres to the belief that students learn at different rates. Students spend as much time on concepts and units as they need for mastery, no more and no less.
At Brightmont Academy, mastery is set at 80%, so students who perform at a lower threshold often need additional instruction in order to meet this level. Students gain confidence while they build skills, because they know that they really understand the material and are well-prepared for the next level of instruction.
Mastery-based learning is flexible, so that teachers can adjust teaching and learning to different circumstances and needs. It ensures that students do not advance to the next concept before they understand the last. It allows teachers to continually build on student understanding, avoiding any gaps in learning or foundational skills. And it means that students progress when they are ready and do not have to repeat work they already understand. Mastery-based learning actually embodies the widespread motto of educational systems—that all kids can learn.
Our carefully chosen education team continually encourages students. They deliver effective, customized one-to-one instruction for each student.
Our experts include:
We are committed to helping each student achieve learning gains and develop confidence. Each success makes us proud to be part of the Brightmont team.
There is no "one-size-fits-all" system at Brightmont Academy. Our professional team works with students and families to set goals, create a customized learning plan, and choose experienced teachers who best fit students' unique needs. Whether students are enrolled in our full-time private school, in individual courses for credit, or in tutoring, they succeed because each plan accommodates a student's individual academic needs and learning styles. For parents, ongoing communication provides up-to-date reports on student progress.
Understanding the power of being valued is essential to student success. Brightmont Academy educators mentor the "whole child" by getting to know students and recognizing their talents, incorporating personal interests into instruction when possible. In this nurturing atmosphere of respect, students begin to realize their worth and believe in their potential. As students experience success, they gain the self-confidence necessary to support lifelong learning and achievement.
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