Brightmont Academy is an accredited private school for students in grades K-12 established in 1999. We provide instruction using a one-to-one approach exclusively, meaning one teacher instructs one student in a private learning room throughout the entire session.
With the one-to-one format, our staff becomes our most important resource. They deliver effective, customized one-to-one instruction for each student. Our experts include:
We are committed to helping each student achieve learning gains and develop confidence, and have a long history of helping students succeed, a small sample of which can be observed through our student success stories and the extensive list of colleges where our students have been accepted. Please contact any campus for more information about Brightmont Academy and how we might customize a program to serve you.
To schedule a visit, talk to a campus director, or get a free consultation, please fill out the form
or call: (888) 521-0887 | email:
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