Brightmont Academy was founded with a belief in the power of one-to-one instruction. Our mission is to provide customized one-to-one instruction to help as many students as possible reach their full academic potential and prepare for college and career, and we are proud to have helped more than 4,000 students succeed.
Here are stories from four Brightmont students with very different needs:
Erica, a Brightmont alumna, completed her bachelor’s degree at the University of Puget Sound in May 2016. Erica graduated Summa Cum Laude with a major in history and minor in German. She also is a member of the nation’s most prestigious academic honor society, Phi Beta Kappa. She attributes much of her success to Brightmont, where she attended high school for four years. “I feel that my academic honors are due largely to the skills and habits I learned at Brightmont, especially critical thinking and independent learning skills,” says Erica.
Always a popular student, Kerry had struggled with math since second grade. Her mother, Linda, observed that Kerry would lose focus and become distracted sitting in a traditional classroom, especially when the teacher was simply standing in front of the class and lecturing.
In elementary school, Mark discovered a talent for athletics in PE and sports, and teachers enjoyed having this shy, sweet boy in their classes. But as he entered middle school, a series of events made it hard for Mark to cope emotionally and keep up with his school work.
Michael’s public school career started out well. At first his classes were small and he thrived. But all that changed in ninth grade. His small class of 20 swelled to a class of about 40 students, and soon Michael began to struggle, particularly with math and timed tests. During this time, Michael was also diagnosed with a slight learning disability related to ADHD and motor-skill usage, which made being organized and meeting assignment deadlines difficult for him.
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