The logo for brightmont academy is the one-to-one school.
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The logo for brightmont academy is the one-to-one school.

Washington Scholarship and Tuition Options

Seattle public schools tutoring for private school students

As part of their equitable spending of Title I funds on private school students, Seattle Public Schools offer tutoring at Brightmont Academy to those students who attend private schools.

Eligible students who attend private schools located within the city of Seattle (Seattle Public Schools boundaries) may receive tutoring through Brightmont Academy twice a week at no cost to the student. The Seattle Public Schools district offers a program that provides this funding to support private school students who need additional support in academics (reading, writing, math), social skills, and/or executive function skills. Brightmont Academy can assist in all areas!

Please contact us via the form below or call
888-521-0887 for more information.

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