The logo for brightmont academy is the one-to-one school.

Your Tuition Solution Loans

Education loans are available through Your Tuition Solution, in amounts up to $50,000 to be paid back through monthly payments at interest rates starting from 3.99% APR. This option allows greater flexibility in the repayment plan and lowers monthly payments by allowing tuition costs to be repaid over a longer term. Should you choose to continue at Brightmont Academy for multiple years, Your Tuition Solution will incorporate future enrollments into the loan repayment terms.

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529 Funds

On January 1, 2018, the rules changed for 529 plans (college savings accounts). They can now be used to pay for up to $10,000 per year of middle school and high school tuition. If you have questions on the guidelines or how to use those funds for Brightmont tuition, please contact your 529 plan administrator.

Flexible Spending Accounts

Some employers offer the benefit of a flexible spending account, enabling pre-tax money to be set aside for health care expenses. In some circumstances when an underlying physical or mental health issue including learning disabilities and other conditions impacting learning like attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD) is the determining factor for enrolling in Brightmont, then that money may be used to fund tuition at Brightmont Academy. Please check with your benefits specialist to determine whether or not this is an approved option with your employer’s flexible spending account requirements.

District Placements

In rare circumstances, a public school district may choose to place a student at Brightmont Academy to receive one-to-one instruction for part or all of their Individualized Education Plan (IEP) goals, or to implement compensatory education services or extended school year instruction. If your IEP case manager has offered any of these options to you and you wish to consider Brightmont Academy to receive services, please contact us to schedule a campus tour.

If you represent a public school district and wish to consider placing a student at Brightmont Academy, please email Anna Vasquez at or call her at (630) 917-0217 to discuss the situation and appropriate options.

Additional Opportunitites

If you are aware of other opportunities or would like to create a scholarship or award for Brightmont Academy students, please contact us at

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