We are helping students in grades 1-12 with ALL OF THEIR TUTORING NEEDS. Inquire about Brightmont tutoring to learn more!
Tutoring at Brightmont Academy for 1st- to 12th-grade students means one-to-one instruction—all of the time. One experienced teacher individualizes instruction for one student throughout every learning session. The teacher adjusts the pace and approach to ensure that the student understands each concept before proceeding to the next and helps the student successfully complete school assignments. The results: maximum learning gains and increased self-confidence.
Brightmont Academy offers each student a focused and tailored approach to tutoring that enables him or her to improve by providing:
One teacher, one student — all of the time
The teacher helps with specific course content, identifies the student’s areas of weakness and builds foundational academic, study, and organizational skills for long-term learning success.
Because we have a team of educators with expertise across disciplines, we can provide all the tutoring support a student needs.
At each campus, the Director — a seasoned administrator — takes responsibility for monitoring progress and routinely updates parents.
When students begin to get lower grades, skip school, or avoid homework, Brightmont Academy tutoring provides the focused step-by-step support for those needing to overcome learning challenges, including:
Isaac felt completely lost in his Algebra I class and was at risk of failing. Tutoring with Brightmont’s one-to-one instruction helped him gain confidence. “It feels good to finally get it,” Isaac says.
Get 10 sessions of our one-to-one tutoring with expert teachers.
Click below for tuition information.
To schedule a visit, talk to a campus director, or get a free consultation, please fill out the form
or call: (888) 521-0887 | email: inquiry@brightmontacademy.com
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