The logo for brightmont academy is the one-to-one school.

Every program at Brightmont Academy is unique and customized for the individual student. To ensure that we have the appropriate resources and staffing to serve the students we admit, the Admissions Committee, consisting of senior leadership from the Central Office team and the Campus Director, review proposed programs as the final step in admitting new students.

Brightmont Academy compiles a collaborative team to support each student. The Campus Director serves as case manager and supervises implementation of the program, one or more Brightmont teachers are assigned to instruct, and central office staff provides support to staff, families, and any other professional members of our team or other stakeholders. Parents are encouraged to contact the Brightmont team at any time with questions or feedback.

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Admissions process

  • Step 1: Contact us

    All Brightmont Academy programs are customized for the individual student, so the best way to get accurate information about the options that are right for you is to visit a campus and meet our staff to get a sense of whether or not we will be the right fit.

    To schedule a tour of the nearest Brightmont Academy campus, please fill out our contact us form.

    You can also call (888) 521-0887 to talk directly with a member of our staff.

  • Step 2: Meet with the campus director

    The campus director has extensive experience in leading teachers and creating customized education programs. To prepare for your meeting, please bring the following:

    1. Current transcripts and/or report cards.
    2. Evaluations, educational-psychological testing, standardized testing, and Individual Education Plan (IEP) information, if available.
    3. Student work samples, especially writing samples.
    4. Any other information that will be useful for our staff to understand the student's needs and to provide a baseline for beginning instruction.

    If you don't have any of these items or don't have them available, please don't worry. The most valuable information comes from the parent and student observations of what is working and what isn't. We will ask questions to help provide the information we need, and conduct additional testing for any missing pieces.

    We can also assist with procuring student records on your behalf when you sign a release granting us permission to communicate about your child.

  • Step 3: Learn about Brightmont

    Through customized one-to-one instruction, Brightmont Academy is able to accommodate a wide variety of student needs, and to help students achieve diverse educational goals.

    We offer these services:

    1. Full-time school placement for students in grades K-12

    2. Individual courses for credit:

    • enables students accelerate or take more advanced courses, including Advanced Placement® (AP®) courses and college-level credit courses
    • provides a flexible way to make up missing credits
    • retake courses to achieve higher mastery and course grades

    3. Skill building/tutoring for students in grades K-12

    We will also consider additional needs on a case-by-case basis.

    The Brightmont Academy Campus Director will create a learning plan specifically tailored to meet the student's needs and incorporating other related factors, such as schedule, timeline, and budget. Instruction may begin at any time of year.

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