Brightmont Academy welcomes international students in grades 6-12 for full-time academic programs in the United States.
Brightmont Academy is an accredited private school and is certified by the Department of Homeland Security. International students who meet eligibility requirements are granted an I-20 by Brightmont Academy and can apply for a F1-Visa.
Please contact us at 888-521-0887 to speak with a school representative. Students can enroll and start their full course of study at any time of the year.
States | High School | Middle School |
Colorado, Georgia, Minnesota, Michigan | $32,307 | $26,950 |
Arizona, Florida, Illinois, Washington | $36,300 | $30,800 |
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To schedule a visit, talk to a campus director, or get a free consultation, please fill out the form
or call: (888) 521-0887 | email:
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