The logo for brightmont academy is the one-to-one school.

Tuition and Fees

Education at Brightmont Academy is customized to meet the needs of each student. Because all programs and instruction are individualized, students can begin attending at any time of the year including summer.

See the tuition below for our Illinois campuses: Barrington and Northfield.

Program Semester Courses One-to-One Sessions Tuition Grades
High School Program 10 330 $33,000 9 - 12
Middle School Program 8 280 $26,600 6 - 8
Elementary School Program n/a 480 $28,800 1 - 5
Tutoring (in-person or online) n/a 10 $800 1 - 12
Reading Intervention Program n/a 20 $1,900 K - 12
Skill Building Program (Math, Reading, Writing) n/a 10 | 20 $950 | $1,900 1 - 12
Executive Function Coaching and Homework Organization (E.C.H.O.) n/a 20 $1,900 6 - 12
Kindergarten Readiness n/a 40 $3,800 Pre-K - K
ACT Test Prep Program n/a 20 $1,950 9 - 12
SAT Test Prep Program n/a 16 $1,400 9 - 12
GED Test Prep Program n/a 33 | 99 $2,970 | $8,910 n/a

If you are using a mobile device, scroll right and/or use landscape orientation to view tuition cost and additional information.

Individual courses

Semester Course One-to-One Sessions Tuition Grades
Middle School Semester 35 $3,500 6-8
High School Semester Core Course 33 $3,300 9-12
H.S. Guided Study Semester - Elective Credit 10 $800 9-12
High School Honors Semester 40 $4,000 9-12
Advanced Placement® Semester English/Social Studies 45 $4,500 9-12
Advanced Placement® Semester Math/Science 55 $5,500 9-12
Elementary School Semester Science/Social Studies 60 $5,100 1-5
Elementary School Semester Math/Literacy 120 $10,200 1-5
Elementary School Semester Specials 60 $5,100 1-5

If you are using a mobile device, scroll right and/or use landscape orientation to view tuition cost and additional information.
See our course catalog.

Advanced Placement® and AP® are registered trademarks of the College Board, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, this product.

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